English Cadburys 2
English Cadburys 3
I prefer to leave the Carrageen in the mixture and eat it to obtain the full nutritional benefit but alternatively you can strain the liquid. If you intend to strain then more milk should be used as the seaweed is a potent thickener. Try 2 pints of milk. Vary the amount of milk according to desired viscosity.
Furthermore you can replace cinnamon with e.g. nutmeg, ginger , lemon rind (when straining) or use a combination.
I, along with one of my aunties who popped round at right time, found this delicious and filling, not too rich or sweet and with the added piece of mind that it is hugely beneficial to my health.
Coincidentally I had an upper respiratory tract infection and chesty cough when making this so made the trying of it all the more authentic. Unfortunately my taste and smell senses would have been compromised some what.
Initially I was struck by the smell when it was boiling, it brought me to the seaside with the unique algal smell and I was a bit anxious after what happened with the crubeens. My mother immediately recognised it even though the last time she had it was as a very small child.
The drink was very palatable. I never really liked hot lemon and honey but this I did like. Initially there is the seaweed taste, which is not horrible followed by the lemony tones neither of which are too overpowering. I happily drank 2 full mugs of the stuff but would probably use more Carrageen moss or less water next time for a stronger taste (so it seems more like medicine!). I can't say I was cured since it takes a sustained barrage of doses morning noon and night to be effective and 50g costs 3.30 (euros) so I would not really be tempted to use it nowadays whenever I get a sniffle. Still if I am ever stuck near the Irish coast in summer with no hope of getting to the chemist to treat my cough, I'm laughing!
This is a very simple way but you can also add vegetables (onion, carrot) and herbs (thyme, cloves, parsley, bay leaves) to the boiling water to add more flavour.
Furthermore the boiled trotters can be rolled in beaten egg, then dry breadcrumbs and fried in bacon fat or just roasted in the oven to make the outsides nice and crispy.